Africa, one seen by europe as the heart of darkness, anti-civilization. It makes news for it's conflicts and poverty. For a long time, the world saw Africa as a lost cause, then one country saw opportunity and this began a new race for Africa. Not so different from the scramble of the 19th century where colonial britain and france draw raw materials, slaves and geo-political influence. Now in the 21st century, Global powers are more or less in the same race for Africa. USA, European Union, India, China, Japan, Israel, Canada are all in the race for Africa and one country (China) is emerging as the clear winner. Africa, the continent of 54 sovereign states, 17% of the world's population, 9.6% of the global oil output, 90% of the world's plantinum supply, 90% of the world's cobalt supply, half of the world Gold supply, 2/3 of the world's manganese, 35% of the world's Uranium, 75% of the world's cottan and 54 votes in United Nations General Assembly. This is wh...